Jordan Minor

Jordan Minor is an entertainment and technology journalist. For years he was senior editor at, and he is currently an editor on the Apps and Gaming team at PCMag. He has…

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John Hancock

Longtime Mega-Collector of nearly 30 complete US collections. One of the original organizers of the Portland Retro Gaming Expo.  Currently sharing his collection on his growing channel The Immortal John…

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Gail Tilden

Gail Tilden joined Nintendo of America's marketing department in 1983 when the company was focused on arcade and handheld Game  & Watch products.  She executed the advertising and PR campaigns…

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Since 2005, the CAGcast has been a pretty silly podcast about video games and the topics that affect gamers. Hosts CheapyD, Wombat, and Shipwreck talk industry news, review games, supply…

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