
Featuring the Rare and Obscure...

The Retro Gaming Museum features rare consoles and software from gaming’s past, graciously donated by various collectors in our community. Our museum isn’t just a show and tell – many of our rarities will be open for free play, including the Sharp X68000 Computer, FM Towns Marty, and Amiga 500!


Here is a video tour of the museum area from our 2019 event!

Some of our rare items include:

Have an interesting item you’d like to loan? We want to hear from you!

If you are interested in loaning an item for the museum, please contact Brendan at [email protected]. All museum items will be locked inside a display case unless you opt to allow us to set it up for free play in the museum area. Staff will be constantly supervising the museum during the event. Your item must remain with the museum for the entire duration of the event (Friday, Saturday, & Sunday). Anyone who loans an item will get comped admission for the expo! Please note that offering an item does not guarantee we will accept it – many items have already been secured and we will evaluate all items to make sure they fit the museum criteria.

We are seeking the following items:

• Development Systems for any console
• Prototype Software for any cartridge based console
• Demo Kiosks
• Any rare, obscure game consoles or computers
• Original artwork for game boxes, labels, and magazines.